Integrative Analysis of Building Materials

Encourage the use of materials for which life cycle information is available.

BDCv4 IPpc103: 1 pt.
BDCv4.1 IPpc103: 1 pt.
Products /
  • Concrete unit masonry

Concrete masonry supports many of the pilot credit's life cycle, human health, and environmental impact concerns. Please see our library of EPDs and HPDs in Sustainable Downloads.

Life cycle: Concrete masonry is valued for its very long service life, minimal construction waste (zero waste is possible), minimal maintenance and high recyclability. It is a multi-functioning system that combines structure, design, fire resistance, and noise control. Concrete masonry uses less cementitious materials than poured concrete, and absorbs atmospheric CO2 during its lifespan.

Human health: It is completely inert in its installed state, has zero VOCs (without surface treatments), and if subjected to fire, does not outgas toxic chemicals.

Occupant safety: Concrete masonry is a preferred system for resilience, with a long history of extremely high survivability in seismic and wind events. And not just for occupant evacuation, but sheltering in place.

Integrative Analysis of Building Materials