Concrete Masonry Code References

The following are collections of 2022 California Building Code references for topics of interest related to concrete masonry.

2022 California Building Code references

California Energy Code and CMU - The benefits of concrete masonry as demonstrated in the CEC

Fire-Resistance-Rated Construction - Excerpts from Chapter 7 of the CBC

Anchored Masonry Veneer - Code requirements for anchored masonry veneer

Adhered Masonry Veneer - Code requirements for adhered masonry veneer

Composite Masonry - Multiwythe grouted walls

CMU Testing Responsibility - Code requirements and responsible entities

Quality Assurance - Flow chart of QA pathways for each Level of Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance - DSA/OSHPD - QA specific to California DSA-SS, DSA-SS/CC, and OSHPD 1 & 4

Angelus Block Co., Inc. supplies this information as an educational aid in understanding the benefits of concrete masonry construction and our products. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain engineering or other advisory services from licensed professionals as the basis for incorporating into any project any information, detail, or product offered herein.

Concrete Masonry Code References